Monday, June 11, 2012

Broadband Dilemma

Bought a Globe Tattoo 4G device today - a Huawei e357... Here's the first result - a LOT faster than my Motorola Canopy-powered SmartBro Postpaid subscription, which maxes out at around 1Mbps:
It's still a far cry from the claimed maximum 7.2Mbps, but then again, according to scans I took using my SmartBro prepaid software and SmartBro USB dongle (a Huawei e156c), only 3G is available here in San Joaquin, Iloilo. And only Globe has that - Smart and Sun haven't upgraded theirs in our area. Oh, well, at least we're no longer truly underserved when it comes to broadband. I lent my SmartBro device to Jocedel and Claudine, Neneng Aileen's cousins. So I had to buy this one because on Friday, June 8, 2012, one of Smart's Customer service reps told me that Ssmart's technicians' schedule for our area here in San Joaquin is Saturday, and there I was hoping that they'll be sending their technical team on Saturday - the day after I called - June 9 2012, but unfortunately, according to the CSR, there was no available timeslot for me, so the nearest would be Saturday, June 16, 2012. WTF??? Are they so pre-occupied that they can't even reduce my internet downtime?that And does that mean that I'll be getting a discount for each day I don't have my SmartBro connection? There are 30 days in June, so 999 divide by 30 would result in 33.30 pesos per day, which would mean that including Friday, June 8, 2012 until Saturday, June 16, 2012, I should have 9 days' discount - which would amount to 299.70 pesos... hmm... I've lost thousands of pesos in the past because I didn't even bother to attempt demanding a discount for every day that my SmartBro postpaid was out of service. Time to take a stand... I'm calling *1888... I just wish the CSRs would take these kinds of problems up with management. Having been in the call centre industry for a while, I know a little about how things work there - too much partitioning of information. This is the speed with my torrent client running.

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