I formatted my 2TB drive on my Verbatime HD DVR a few weeks ago, and earlier - late last night, since it's November 16, 2012, 00:03 GMT +8 right now, I formatted my old 1TB Samsung drive in the DVR. It's been getting S.M.A.R.T. Errors, so I decided to replace it with my newer 2TB drive, and relegate the 1TB drive to the DVR. So the 2TB drive is now in the computer and the 1TB will be for my DVR for storing movies and music and for recording TV programs.
The Verbatim HD DVR formats the drive like this, though I don't know in which order it does it:
- The first partition ("partition1"), takes up most of the drive space, and the size depends on the size of the hard disk drive.
- The second partition is 157MB.
- The third partition is 16.03GB - this might be for the time buffer - you can set it from 1 hour to 4 hours.
- The fourth is 315MB of unallocated space.